Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Night-Blooming Cereus

Sorry that I haven't been posting anything for a while.  I've been awfully busy, and there hasn't been anything interesting to write about... until now! 

I usually don't pay much attention to the plethora of plants my mom grows inside my house.  There are plants EVERYWHERE. However, something incredible happened last night.   

My mom called me to go downstairs to take a picture for my aunt.  I went downstairs to find her standing next to a huge plant.  The leaves weren't appealing at all, but there was ONE huge flower on it.  It was beautiful!  I then asked her why I needed to take a picture for my aunt, and she said that the flower wouldn't be blooming anymore by tomorrow.  Very odd right?  Later, I learned that the flower only blooms at night.  And it doesn't bloom every night. It only blooms ONCE, then it closes up.  But when it does bloom, it only blooms at night.  

This plant is often overlooked because it's not appealing when it doesn't have flowers, which is during the daytime, when people can see it.  Here is a picture of it: 

Yea, pretty ugly eh? There are actually two flowers here, but the one in the back is closed up.  That one actually opened a few days ago. However, I missed it when it bloomed. 

Poor flower... only alive for one night.  

On the bright side, here is a picture of the night-blooming cereus! 

It not only is pretty, but it smells so good.  You can smell it about 10-15 feet away.  For those of you who want to grow one, you can't buy them at stores.  The only way you can grow one is if you cut a stem from someone who has one and plant it in soil.  

So far, this is the coolest plant I've ever heard about.  Have you ever heard of the night-blooming cereus or know about any other cool plants?